Live Bar, June 25 News American media NBA Memes posted a player composition map, asking which NBA player is like. Dong Qiqi forwarded the dynamic and @ teammate Josh Green. Who do you think this picture looks like most?
夜上海论坛社区Related reading: The contract has 1 year and 39.27 million left! Reporter: Sir Sun’s Lone Ranger intends that 76 Harris people don’t want Elton The sun intended Harris, but 76 people didn’t want Elton? Sun Reporter: The team is not interested in Harris
夜上海论坛社区Live broadcast on July 5th the second meeting of the 10th China Basketball Association member Congress and the second meeting of the Executive Committee were held in Qingdao on the 4th. Fu Zhenghao, a senior media person, talked about this meeting in an article. The original text is as follows: The CBA league will unconditionally make way for the national team to prepare for the battle, adhere to the supremacy of national interests; Strengthen the supervision of the organization, systematically sort out the implementation of the authorization agreement, and re-divide the rights and responsibilities; Impact the right to participate in the Paris Olympic Games is the top priority task of the Chinese Basketball Association this year, the top priority is China’s men’s basketball. The team aims to challenge the qualification of the Paris Olympic Games in the men’s basketball World Cup. In the Hangzhou Asian Games, the Chinese team aims to hit all four basketball gold medals……. This is part of Yao Ming’s report at the second plenary meeting of the 10th China Basketball Association today. On pockets, the separation of CBA management and office seemed to return to the old way of CBA making way for the national team unconditionally. However, it is a pity to say this from Yao Ming’s mouth. I still remember that in 2006, the basket Management Center announced that in order to prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games, it decided to shrink the CBA league for two consecutive seasons. At that time, Yao Ming publicly criticized this decision in front of the media. Yao Ming’s original words at that time were: “After the league is shortened, the national team may get some help in the short term, but this is at the expense of the development of Chinese basketball. The shortening of the league will inevitably weaken the league level, and the level of the league determines the level of the national team. The loss of players’ technical and tactical experience is only a part. The confidence of fans in the league and sponsors in the league will decrease, the income of players and coaches will decrease, and the coaching experience of coaches will decrease. In addition, there is also a very important point, that is, the loss of the league’s reputation, because the Korean order cannot be changed overnight.” At that time, Li Yuanwei, the director of the basket management center, later revealed that it was hard to lose his life to shrink CBA and make way for the national team. Then, now Yao Ming, the chairman of the Basketball Association, has also publicly announced that the league will give way to the national team unconditionally. Is it also full of helplessness?
夜上海论坛社区~~~~~~~~~~ Live bar on June 30 news Curry + clay + dream chasing vs Maholmes + Kelsey’s golf duel was broadcast today in TNT. During this period, the dream-chasing wanted to blow a bottle of beer for everyone, but gave up in less than three seconds.
夜上海论坛社区 ~~~~~~~~~~
Live bar on June 30 news Curry + clay + dream chasing vs Maholmes + Kelsey’s golf duel was broadcast today in TNT.
During this period, the dream-chasing wanted to blow a bottle of beer for everyone, but gave up in less than three seconds.
Live Bar News on June 30 according to the Celtics accompanying reporter Jared Weiss, after getting Porzingis, the Celtics management is continuing to explore trading opportunities. After Smart left the team, the Celtics had potential demand for the organizers, depending on how Brogden, who was once placed in the transaction but left, changed his situation.
夜上海论坛社区Live Bar News on June 30 according to the Celtics accompanying reporter Jared Weiss, after getting Porzingis, the Celtics management is continuing to explore trading opportunities.
After Smart left the team, the Celtics had potential demand for the organizers, depending on how Brogden, who was once placed in the transaction but left, changed his situation.
Live Bar, June 10 today, Zion and Jefferson Parish school cooperate to carry out the Summer Bridge project. At the scene, Zion’s stepfather Li Anderson said, “you can believe half of what you see and don’t believe anything you listen to others!” Zion recently fell into a peach scandal, and many women accused him of being cheated. RELATED LINKS >>> not affected by peach gossip? Zion smiles when taking photos with others in school cooperation projects ****************************************************************************************************
夜上海社区论坛Live Bar, June 10 today, Zion and Jefferson Parish school cooperate to carry out the Summer Bridge project.
At the scene, Zion’s stepfather Li Anderson said, “you can believe half of what you see and don’t believe anything you listen to others!”
Zion recently fell into a peach scandal, and many women accused him of being cheated.
RELATED LINKS >>> not affected by peach gossip? Zion smiles when taking photos with others in school cooperation projects
Live Bar, June 27 -zhejiang men’s basketball officially announced the team’s off-season arrangements yesterday, including training outside Serbia before August and participating in the Intercontinental Cup in September. For more information, see the following figure: Zhejiang ranked first in the regular season with 35 wins and 7 losses last season. In the playoffs, they entered the finals and finally lost 0-4 to Liaoning.
夜上海论坛社区Live Bar, June 27 -zhejiang men’s basketball officially announced the team’s off-season arrangements yesterday, including training outside Serbia before August and participating in the Intercontinental Cup in September. For more information, see the following figure:
Zhejiang ranked first in the regular season with 35 wins and 7 losses last season. In the playoffs, they entered the finals and finally lost 0-4 to Liaoning.
Live broadcast on July 3 news according to the famous Shams report, sources revealed that Eric Gordon and Sun reached an agreement to join the team. According to the additional report of Mingji Woj, Eric Gordon signed a two-year contract with Sun, which included player options. ****************************************************************************************************
夜上海论坛社区Live broadcast on July 3 news according to the famous Shams report, sources revealed that Eric Gordon and Sun reached an agreement to join the team.
According to the additional report of Mingji Woj, Eric Gordon signed a two-year contract with Sun, which included player options.
7月5日上午,“双星锦湖”2023“青岛篮球季”启动仪式在青岛国信海天大剧院酒店举行。这个夏天,来青岛,尽情感受篮球运动带来的快乐。 中国篮球协会主席姚明,中国篮球协会副主席徐济成,青岛市人大常委会副主任、市总工会主席张建刚,以及青岛市政府、市委宣传部、市体育局、崂山区、西海岸新区领导,青岛市篮球协会、双星集团、国信集团相关领导和嘉宾出席启动仪式,共同开启“未篮梦想”2023“青岛篮球季”。 【看点连连,赛事活动提档升级】 为推动篮球运动进一步品牌化、市场化、普及化,在中国篮球协会、CBA公司、青岛市政府及各级主管部门多方的共同努力和支持下,国信集团自2022年开始打造“青岛篮球季”,并与CBA公司签署合作协议,连续五年CBA夏季联赛落地青岛。作为全国首个也是唯一一个中国篮协支持和CBA官方授权的大型篮球季项目,2022“青岛篮球季”在为期五周的时间里举办各类专业及群众性赛事活动14项,比赛700余场次,参赛人数超过5000人。整个活动带动了产业链延伸,吸引旅游人次近4万,拉动周边消费近1亿元,实现了以赛事流量撬动消费流量,变高水平赛事影响力为高质量发展推动力。 2023“青岛篮球季”将于7月10日-8月25日举办,以“未篮梦想”为主题,突出“年轻、时尚、追梦”的篮球运动要义,推出“活力、海洋、精彩、宜人”四项城市特色主题,在总结去年经验的基础上全面提档升级。一是规模更大,将举办系列赛事及周边产业活动15项,总参赛人数超过6000人,其中“未来之星”小篮球联赛辐射16个城市,参赛人数超过2500人;二是层次更高,CBA夏季联赛参赛队伍由去年的8支扩大到10支,上赛季CBA总冠军辽宁队及传统劲旅广东、深圳等积极参加;三是形式更新,活动期间将举办“体旅融合”“体教融合”训练营、篮球发展专题会等活动,国内篮球界名宿将悉数出席;四是带动性更强,活动通过与青岛旅游资源进行融合,预计带动6万人次旅游客源,拉动住宿、餐饮、购物等消费收入超过2亿元。 青岛国信集团党委书记、董事长王建辉表示,“要将‘青岛篮球季’打造成为盛夏青岛的一场篮球文化盛宴,成为一个青岛与全国城市交流的平台。未来还将引入国家队热身赛、国际篮球对抗赛等高水平赛事,加快将‘青岛篮球季’培育和打造成为篮球为主题的体育节庆IP品牌,像青岛国际啤酒节一样,让国内外知道青岛有啤酒,更有篮球!” 【夏季联赛,十支劲旅逐鹿岛城】 作为“青岛篮球季”的重头戏,2023年CBA夏季联赛全面拓军升级,将于7月10日-16日在青岛国信体育馆火热开赛。届时,辽宁、深圳、广东、广州、山东、山西、福建、天津、宁波、青岛十支队伍将齐聚青岛,按照抽签分组的形式先进行小组单循环比赛,排定小组名次后以交叉淘汰的形式产生最终的冠军,为全国球迷带来一场国内最顶尖的篮球盛宴。从2018年最初仅有四支球队参赛,到如今半数CBA球队报名,不乏辽宁队、广东队等劲旅,CBA夏季联赛逐渐成为中国篮球界具有号召力的一项顶级赛事。 夏季联赛的举办,弥补了很多球迷只能在冬天观看CBA比赛的遗憾,更为重要的是,赛会制比赛还满足了球迷们可以一次性观看多支球队比赛的需求。据了解,为了增强比赛的精彩程度,赛事组织方将奖金数额大幅提高到198万人民币,而为了能够吸引更多的球迷现场观战,一百元连看两场的票价也相当亲民,这种高奖金、低票价的机制将吸引更具实力的球队、更多的观众参与。此外,赛事组委会也将为来自全国各地观赛的篮球迷们,提供丰富多彩的交流活动,提升观赛体验。 【渊源深厚,国信双星再度牵手】 纵观双星和国信两大集团与青岛篮球赛事的渊源,恰好也是青岛男篮诞生与发展的历史。双星集团是一家具有百年历史的国有企业,拥有双星轮胎和锦湖轮胎两个上市公司。此次活动以“双星锦湖”为名,是双星继2019年牵手CBA夏季联赛之后,再度与“青岛篮球季”合作。 对于青岛篮球,双星有着深厚的渊源和感情。2003年,青岛双星篮球俱乐部正式成立,填补了青岛市职业篮球的空白。2017年,国信集团从双星集团手中接棒青岛男篮,“青岛国信双星男篮”正式代表青岛征战CBA联赛。2020年,球队正式更名为“青岛国信海天男篮”,双星集团一直通过多种途径支持青岛男篮发展。如今,国信双星再度牵手,精诚合作,共谋发展,进一步贯彻落实青岛市“十四五”体育产业发展规划,充分发挥了建设“活力海洋之都、精彩宜人之城”的体育担当。 【火力全开,青岛篮球持续升温】 国信集团自2017年接手青岛男篮,2022年又成立三人职业篮球俱乐部,成为青岛市仅有的两支职业篮球队的运营企业。近年来,青岛国信海天篮球俱乐部竞技水平和竞赛成绩稳步提升,青训人才基础不断夯实,品牌影响力全面增强,正向着打造国内一流CBA篮球俱乐部的目标持续迈进。一线队竞赛成绩稳步提升,连续两年进入季后赛,夺得2022年CBA夏季联赛冠军。五级青训体系不断完善,U17连续两年夺得全国总冠军,U19创造历史夺得亚军,入选国字号队伍集训的达22人次,成为国内入选国字号队伍人次最多的球队之一。值得一提的是,国信男篮青年队即将代表中国出征东亚青年运动会,今年刚满18岁的杨瀚森,在U19男篮世界杯比赛中,场均得到12.6分10.4篮板4.7助攻5盖帽,入选最佳第二阵容,也是亚洲唯一入选球员,更是被誉为中国篮坛的“希望之星”。 为进一步推动篮球事业发展,2022年,国信集团投资超1亿元打造了国内一流的现代化篮球训练基地,今年以来两次为国家男篮集训提供保障服务,专业的场地条件和周到的服务保障受到中国篮协主席姚明和国家队主教练的一致好评。 在大力发展职业篮球的同时,国信集团一直致力于篮球文化的传播和篮球运动的推广,建设运营山东首家CBA篮球公园,开展“篮球进校园”“小雄鹰”篮球培训,引入CBA联赛、CBA选秀大会、CBA全明星周末、CBA夏季联赛等超级IP赛事……“青岛篮球季”的启幕,将进一步扩大青岛篮球的影响力,用篮球作文化载体,以赛事为交流桥梁,为城市时尚体育发展积极贡献力量。
Live broadcast, June 7 today, Matt Barnes talked about the rumor that Owen recruited James to go solo in an interview. “When I heard this, my first thought was that the Lone Ranger was Lucca’s team, not Owen’s. But when this rumor comes out, maybe it is the truth at all, and the response of the Lakers is that unless the Lone Ranger uses Luca for exchange, we all know what to say, such transactions will not happen. I also think James will definitely not go to Lone Ranger.” Matt Barnes said so. When talking about Owen, Barnes said: “We can’t guess his ideas or strategies.”
夜上海社区论坛Live broadcast, June 7 today, Matt Barnes talked about the rumor that Owen recruited James to go solo in an interview.
“When I heard this, my first thought was that the Lone Ranger was Lucca’s team, not Owen’s. But when this rumor comes out, maybe it is the truth at all, and the response of the Lakers is that unless the Lone Ranger uses Luca for exchange, we all know what to say, such transactions will not happen. I also think James will definitely not go to Lone Ranger.” Matt Barnes said so.
When talking about Owen, Barnes said: “We can’t guess his ideas or strategies.”
Live Bar, June 7-tomorrow morning at 8:30, the Nuggets and heat finals G3 will officially start in Miami. Neymar, a football superstar and Butler’s friend, appeared at the home of the heat today and conducted shooting training with Butler. Related News >>> foot basket linkage⚽Neymar congratulations to Butler for winning the final MVP: there are 4 games left Will you invite your friend Neymar to watch the finals? Butler: Yes, he ‘d better come
夜上海社区论坛Live Bar, June 7-tomorrow morning at 8:30, the Nuggets and heat finals G3 will officially start in Miami.
Neymar, a football superstar and Butler’s friend, appeared at the home of the heat today and conducted shooting training with Butler.
Related News >>> foot basket linkage⚽Neymar congratulations to Butler for winning the final MVP: there are 4 games left
Will you invite your friend Neymar to watch the finals? Butler: Yes, he ‘d better come
Live broadcast bar, June 25 news warrior rookie Blanding-pojemsky posted a push to show his latest handsome photo. Pojemsky posted a photo of himself wearing a warrior ball cap and hanging exclusive ornaments, and wrote: “a dream about warriors.” At this year’s draft conference, Warriors selected pojemsky with the 19th sign. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NBA draft conference 2023
夜上海论坛社区Live broadcast bar, June 25 news warrior rookie Blanding-pojemsky posted a push to show his latest handsome photo.
Pojemsky posted a photo of himself wearing a warrior ball cap and hanging exclusive ornaments, and wrote: “a dream about warriors.”
At this year’s draft conference, Warriors selected pojemsky with the 19th sign.
NBA draft conference 2023