American Media ESPN asked: “Will KD make thunder and Warriors retire jerseys for them at the same time? Do you agree with what KD2022 said?” [Related reading] Durant: Thunder & warriors must retire my jersey. I spent time and love inside and outside the field.
夜上海社区论坛Live broadcast, July 4th news recently, China men’s basketball set up training in Qingdao to prepare for the World Cup. Su Qun, a well-known Chinese basketball commentator, published an article “NBA is making a fortune in silence, we are quarrelling”. The article wrote where Zhou Qi played after the World Cup, and the arbitration tribunal of the General Administration of Sports will give a conclusion tomorrow. The original text is as follows: The days of CBA are getting harder and harder for players. The current CBA income is mainly supported by China Life Insurance, China Mobile and Li Ning. According to the figures that can be tested, CBA signed a contract with China Life Insurance for 3 years and 1 billion yuan in 2017, and Li Ning signed a contract for 1 billion yuan in 5 years, 202020migu sign 5 years 2 billion. According to the 2.0 brand Appreciation Plan, CBA should also have a high Sesame blossom, but it happened to be hit by the epidemic for three years. The main and away games didn’t recover until the second half of last season. It still takes a long time to recover their vitality. Although each club can still receive almost 30 million yuan of alliance dividends, and the first-tier players cut the salary limit, the clubs still suffer serious losses and are miserable. This kind of operational pressure finally sank to the players. Zhou Qi suffered one round after another attacks on the Internet, which was the reaction of this situation. The reputation of the brand is based on the healthy operation of the alliance. The annual income of the alliance increases. The club reduces or even eliminates losses until profits. The players have the energy to fight on the court, thus improving the reputation of the CBA brand, attract more sponsorship and investment. “People are the greatest productivity”, no matter who said it, in short, it makes sense. The relationship between investors and players is indeed the relationship between employment and being employed in the club, but as far as the whole CBA alliance is concerned, it is actually a mutually supportive relationship. If the boss doesn’t give money, players will have nowhere to play, without players playing, the boss has nowhere to earn money. As the core asset of the alliance, protecting the interests and image of players is to protect the reputation of CBA brand. If you allow your top stars to be drowned by saliva, even if you don’t drop the stone, you just don’t stand up to maintain their image, it is also a sign-breaking behavior. At present, China’s men’s basketball are playing hard to train. The national team is the locomotive of the whole basketball world. China’s men’s basketball performance is not good, and CBA will also hurt the fish. At this time, everyone should take the initiative to maintain the image of the players and the league, fully support, avoid interference, and not spread those groundless figures. As for where Zhou Qi plays after the World Cup, the arbitration tribunal of the General Administration of Sports will give a conclusion tomorrow. Where will Zhou Qi go next?
夜上海论坛社区Live broadcast, July 3 today, NBA celebrity Tim Bontemps talked about a series of operations during the Lakers’ off-season. Tim Bontemps said: “I would say they (the Lakers) brought back the same squad as they did last season. They did not bring in any players that could bring the team closer to the Championship. Everyone acted as if they had experienced the best offseason in history.” After the opening of the free market, the Lakers performed a series of operations as follows: Reeves was renewed in 56 million years, Russell was renewed in 37 million years, eight villages were renewed in 51 million years, Hays was introduced in 2 years, Vincent was introduced in 33 million years, Redish was introduced in 4.63 million years, 1 year 4.5 million Introduction of Prince. ****************************************************************************************************
夜上海论坛社区Live broadcast, July 1st News the Lakers officially announced the list of players in the summer league, with little Scottie-Pippen and First Round 17 show Fino on the list. Specific list: Jay-hood-sifino, Blaise-Hamilton, dimoy-Hodge, Maxwell-Lewis, Damien-Bao, Alex-Fuch, Swift, Colin-Carston, figueroa, Christie, little Scottie-Pippen, Sacha-Kilia-Jones
夜上海论坛社区Live broadcast, July 1st News the Lakers officially announced the list of players in the summer league, with little Scottie-Pippen and First Round 17 show Fino on the list.
Specific list: Jay-hood-sifino, Blaise-Hamilton, dimoy-Hodge, Maxwell-Lewis, Damien-Bao, Alex-Fuch, Swift, Colin-Carston, figueroa, Christie, little Scottie-Pippen, Sacha-Kilia-Jones
Live Bar, June 9th today, the gambling website has set odds for Paul’s next home, as follows: 1. Lakers 3/1 (bet 1 if hit, return 4 in total) 2. Lone Ranger 4/1 3. Green army 5/1 4. Clippers & heat 6/1 6. Pelican 7/1 7.76 people 9/1 8. Warriors & Timberwolves 10/1 10. Knicks 12/1 11. Bull 14/1 12. Spurs 20/1 According to the famous news Haynes, the source revealed that the sun would cut Chris Paul and have informed the latter.
夜上海社区论坛Live Bar, June 9th today, the gambling website has set odds for Paul’s next home, as follows:
1. Lakers 3/1 (bet 1 if hit, return 4 in total)
2. Lone Ranger 4/1
3. Green army 5/1
4. Clippers & heat 6/1
6. Pelican 7/1
7.76 people 9/1
8. Warriors & Timberwolves 10/1
10. Knicks 12/1
11. Bull 14/1
12. Spurs 20/1
According to the famous news Haynes, the source revealed that the sun would cut Chris Paul and have informed the latter.
Live broadcast on July 2nd news Women’s Basketball Asian Cup final, China women’s basketball against Japan women’s basketball. In the first half of this battle, the Chinese women’s basketball team made 10 mistakes, while the opponent Japan made only 5 Mistakes Women’s basketball, and there were 6 steals at the same time. In the half game, China’s women’s basketball 26-35 was temporarily women’s basketball behind Japan.
夜上海论坛社区Live broadcast on July 2nd news Women’s Basketball Asian Cup final, China women’s basketball against Japan women’s basketball.
In the first half of this battle, the Chinese women’s basketball team made 10 mistakes, while the opponent Japan made only 5 Mistakes Women’s basketball, and there were 6 steals at the same time.
In the half game, China’s women’s basketball 26-35 was temporarily women’s basketball behind Japan.
Live Bar, June 10-NBA Finals G4, Heat home 95-108 defeat Nuggets, the total score is 1-3 behind. In this game, the Heat team made 15 mistakes, while the Nuggets only 6 times. Among the 15 mistakes made by the heat, Adebayor had 8.
夜上海社区论坛Live Bar, June 10-NBA Finals G4, Heat home 95-108 defeat Nuggets, the total score is 1-3 behind.
In this game, the Heat team made 15 mistakes, while the Nuggets only 6 times.
Among the 15 mistakes made by the heat, Adebayor had 8.
Hong Kong Jinniu Basketball Club of NBL new season club tour. On July 2, the new league team led by Liu Tie, Hong Kong Jinniu, will appear in the opening match. I believe that fans and friends must be full of curiosity about this brand-new team, so let’s follow our tour to see it today!
夜上海论坛社区Hong Kong Jinniu Basketball Club of NBL new season club tour.
On July 2, the new league team led by Liu Tie, Hong Kong Jinniu, will appear in the opening match. I believe that fans and friends must be full of curiosity about this brand-new team, so let’s follow our tour to see it today!
Live Bar, June 29 today, according to Yahoo Sports reporter Jake Fischer, sources revealed that wood is a potential target for the Heat. Last season, Wood played 67 regular season matches (starting in 17 games) for soloist, with an average of 25.9 minutes and 16.6 points, 7.3 boards, 1.8 help 1.1 caps, with a three-time hit rate of 51.5/37.6/77.2%. ****************************************************************************************************
夜上海论坛社区Live Bar, June 29 today, according to Yahoo Sports reporter Jake Fischer, sources revealed that wood is a potential target for the Heat.
Last season, Wood played 67 regular season matches (starting in 17 games) for soloist, with an average of 25.9 minutes and 16.6 points, 7.3 boards, 1.8 help 1.1 caps, with a three-time hit rate of 51.5/37.6/77.2%.
中国女篮在2日以73比71险胜卫冕冠军日本队,她们时隔12年重返亚洲之巅。中国女篮在本场比赛中多次面临险境甚至比分落后,但她们临危不乱,用她们的优势、经验以及韧性,去不断地解决问题,直至彻底击溃对手。这是一支在关键时刻从不掉链子,坚韧已经融入血液的队伍。 即便她们在本届杯赛上阵容不整,缺少三个去年征战世界杯的主力,然而她们历来是一支依靠整体打球,善打硬仗并打赢硬仗的队伍。亚洲杯的冠军是她们最好的褒奖,也是这支队伍走向下个辉煌的基础。 由于赛制改变,女篮亚洲杯事关巴黎奥运会资格赛的资格,因此中国女篮在此前改变了这次比赛的参赛目标:由原先的锻炼新人变为全力争取最好成绩。中国女篮在去年世界杯上大放异彩,杀入决赛,追平了队史最好成绩。 可是在亚洲杯的赛场上,由于一些原因她们已经连续十余年未能染指冠军。这是一个等待中国女篮去征服的山峰,但达到顶峰前一切都并不容易。人员不够齐整是最大的问题,李月汝、黄思静以及武桐桐,均无法参加这次的亚洲杯,其中李月汝的缺阵,对于中国女篮的影响是很不利的。原本中国女篮有韩旭与李月汝这两个绝对的内线强点,也是球队在世界大赛中的杀手锏,可缺少李月汝后,这意味着韩旭的出战时间要被迫增加,她肩上的重任无疑要加重很多。 同时,去年世界杯上被称为“不败女王”的王思雨,在这个赛季结束后出现了严重的肩伤,她为此要到澳大利亚进行医治与恢复。 由于去年世界杯的出色成绩,一下子让外界对于中国女篮的关注陡增,但阵容不整以及主力球员状态起伏,则是中国女篮必须要面对的难题。亚洲杯,面对着外界如此大的期待,以及随之产生的压力,中国女篮如何解题? 中国女篮从小组赛就在不断地调整阵容与状态。首战黎巴嫩,这是中国女篮本次亚洲杯面对的最弱对手,她们大比分赢球。但这场比赛有意思的一个细节是,即便中国女篮在最后一节比赛胜负已定的情况下,仍然让韩旭出战,看得出主帅郑薇希望让韩旭通过有限的比赛去寻找更好的比赛状态。小组赛第二场,中国女篮在取胜新西兰队的过程与第一场有些相似,她们不断地调兵遣将,增加了更多的轮转,让几乎所有球员都得到了场上锻炼,这为她们之后打硬仗奠定了基础。 小组赛第三场,也是当时中国女篮遇到了最强挑战。韩国女篮有与韩旭同样具有内线天赋的朴智秀,她也向韩旭发起了强劲的冲击。这场比赛,主帅郑薇超长使用了韩旭,她前两节都没有休息一分钟,这是很少出现的情况。两支球队打到了常规时间仍未分出胜负,最后直到加时。最后韩旭在很多方面都压住了朴智秀,她也收获了最高的33分。 打完韩国,中国女篮直接进入四强,她们在半决赛迎来东道主澳大利亚队。相似的一幕在去年世界杯上上演。当时中国女篮凭借着王思雨的关键罚球两分险胜对手,进入决赛。而这次中国女篮显然赢球的过程要轻松很多,毕竟这支澳大利亚队的整体实力与此前相比下降了一大截。 决赛才是考验中国女篮的最好试金石。一个细节是,为了准备好这场比赛,韩旭在半决赛后,用了一个冰桶恢复法。据北京青年报记者了解,在去年世界杯关键阶段时,她就曾经使用。简而言之就是在水桶中注入冰水,然后将双腿放入冰桶,这是一种“古老”,但同时非常有效地缓解疲劳的方式。 决赛这一战前,中国女篮“失去”了队长杨力维。在此前与澳大利亚队的比赛时她的腿部受伤,之后诊断为韧带撕裂,需要几周的康复时间。杨力维缺阵,让中国女篮原本就不算太强的后场,变得有些令人担心。 但永远要相信中国女篮,尤其是在困难面前,就像是主帅郑薇说的那样:“我们从未掉过链子”。杨力维缺阵,李缘、王思雨顶了上来。其中,王思雨打出了本届杯赛以来最好的一场比赛,她犀利的突破,特别是与韩旭之间的挡拆,具有很强的杀伤力,最后两节的王思雨,再次回归了人们熟悉的“不败女王”。 韩旭依然是中国女篮那个最强点,只要球交给她,韩旭总是能够将其转会为得分。最后60平时,主帅郑薇布置韩旭主攻的内线战术,她完美地完成任务。这让中国女篮奠定了胜局。 而李梦则一直以来都是中国女篮可以在艰难时刻交给她去解决问题的不二人选。虽然在本届杯赛时李梦遇到了外线命中率下降的问题,但这对于她而言,根本不是问题。这就是李梦的自信,也是她在这支女篮队伍中的独特价值。 这就是中国女篮时隔12年重夺亚洲杯的故事,足够热血,也足够振奋人心。虽然巴黎奥运会还有一年多时间,但人们有足够的理由去期待中国女篮。
Live broadcast on July 1st News NBA free market officially opened, each team completed the signing transaction one after another, and American media listed the five largest contracts among active players StatMuse. The details are as follows: 1. Yokiki signed for 22 years, $0.272 billion for 5 years, $47.6 million for the new season 2. Bill 22 signed for 5 years 0.251 billion dollars new season 46.74 million dollars 3. Letter brother signed for 20 years, $0.228 billion for 5 years, $45.64 million for the new season 5. Booker signed for 22 years, $0.224 billion for 4 years, $36.02 million for the new season 5. Downs signed for 22 years, $0.224 billion for 4 years, $36.02 million for the new season
夜上海论坛社区Live broadcast on July 1st News NBA free market officially opened, each team completed the signing transaction one after another, and American media listed the five largest contracts among active players StatMuse.
The details are as follows:
1. Yokiki signed for 22 years, $0.272 billion for 5 years, $47.6 million for the new season
2. Bill 22 signed for 5 years 0.251 billion dollars new season 46.74 million dollars
3. Letter brother signed for 20 years, $0.228 billion for 5 years, $45.64 million for the new season
5. Booker signed for 22 years, $0.224 billion for 4 years, $36.02 million for the new season
5. Downs signed for 22 years, $0.224 billion for 4 years, $36.02 million for the new season
Live Bar, June 10 -nba finals G4 today, the Heat won the Nuggets with 95-108 at home, and the score of the series came to 1-3. After the game, Butler was interviewed by the reporter. Speaking of the team’s 1-3 lag, he said: “Now we have to win every game. This is not impossible. We have to win three more games.” Butler performed comprehensively in this competition, but it was hard to prevent defeat. He played for 45 minutes, shooting 9 in 17, 1 in 3 points, 6 in 9 free throws, 25 points, 7 rebounds, 7 assists, 1 Cap, 1 mistake, plus or minus value-9.
夜上海社区论坛Live Bar, June 10 -nba finals G4 today, the Heat won the Nuggets with 95-108 at home, and the score of the series came to 1-3.
After the game, Butler was interviewed by the reporter. Speaking of the team’s 1-3 lag, he said: “Now we have to win every game. This is not impossible. We have to win three more games.”
Butler performed comprehensively in this competition, but it was hard to prevent defeat. He played for 45 minutes, shooting 9 in 17, 1 in 3 points, 6 in 9 free throws, 25 points, 7 rebounds, 7 assists, 1 Cap, 1 mistake, plus or minus value-9.