0 1 min 2 yrs

Team note: loafers 2 years contract return to hot fire first year 3.7 million & sophomore options

Live broadcast on July 1st according to the report of the heat reporter Tim Reynolds, Kevin-loafers will return to the heat. It is reported that this is a two-year contract, the second year is the player option, and the Heat uses the two-year special sign to keep him. The Heat reporter revealed that the contract for the first year was 3.7 million dollars. The Cavaliers laid off loafers last season, then he joined the heat and went all the way to the finals. In the 2022-23 season, loafers games all scored 8.2 points 6.4 rebounds 1.9 assists. ****************************************************************************************************

0 1 min 2 yrs

Parsons: Harden’s return to the rocket is impossible to win the championship. I’m not sure whether the young rocket wants him back.

Live Bar, June 8th recently, former NBA player Parsons talked about former teammate Harden in Run It Back. Parsons said: “He knew there was no chance to win in the Rockets. I played there with him. It was a great city and the fans loved him. I am not sure whether the Rockets players want him back. Kenyon Martin said before that Harden might hinder the growth of some young people. Maybe the Rockets can give ha the top salary, but the probability of winning the championship in the rockets is 0, when he stops playing, he can retire from the Rockets. “I don’t think Harden is really meaningful to go to the rocket. He needs a champion to prove himself. He can’t get it in the rocket. I don’t know why he wants to go to a worse team. He has been a teammate with MVP.”


China men’s basketball Li kelshi hammer! Lucky fans show Li Kael’s signed poster!

0 1 min 3 yrs

Li Kele upper body Chinese men’s basketball training ball uniform Autograph Fans show signature poster picture @ media director where am I lying Li Keer has acquired Chinese nationality and will play for China men’s basketball

0 1 min 3 yrs

Butler shot 16 times at half time to create a career. The second time against Bucks G1, he once played 11 of 17 at half time!

Live Bar, June 8th news today’s NBA finals G3, the heat at home against the Nuggets. At the end of the half game, the Heat 48-53 was temporarily 5 points behind. Butler played for 21 minutes in the half game, 6 out of 16 shots, 0 out of 2 points, 2 out of 2 free throws, 14 points, 2 rebounds and 1 cap. According to statistics, Butler shot 16 times in half to create the second shot record in half of his career. Previously, Butler scored 24 points in 11 of 17 shots in the first half of this year against Bucks G1 in the first round of this year.

0 1 min 3 yrs

Come to fame in an activity! The Nuggets Cainiao Braun has no stage fright! 8 Middle 7 cut 15 points and 4 boards!

Live broadcast bar, June 8 -finals G3, Nuggets put out the heat today at 109-94 away, taking back the home advantage of the series. In this game, the Nuggets rookie Braun stepped forward to change the game under the condition of the poor state of Xiao PROTONIC, Brown, pop and others. He repeatedly cut the basket and forcibly scored points, the defensive end has protected defensive rebound strongly for many times, and even ate Butler on the offensive end after playing excitement! In the whole game, he played for 19 minutes, 8 shots and 7 shots, cut 15 points, 4 boards, 1 help and 1 break!

0 3 min 3 yrs

Media person: domestic youth training competitions are really too few to know where the problem is.

Live Bar June 25 news U19 men’s basketball World Cup group match, China men’s basketball 79-88 lost to Canada men’s basketball. After the game, Xue Sijia, a reporter from Oriental Sports Daily, wrote a paper about the game, which is as follows: The competition of youth training in China is really too few, which is already a common problem. Their current competition is far from the endurance and CUBAL of age, and there are even fewer high-quality competitions. In the past three years, there has been no chance to go out to broaden their horizons when they encounter the epidemic, and domestic competitions have also stopped. In the stage of raising the ball, the players can only blindly bury themselves in the base and train repeatedly. No match can help them test the training results or find problems, finally, I felt boring and boring when I trained the coach, and I couldn’t think of any way to arouse everyone’s enthusiasm. Sometimes it is quite helpless, because the coach and the team members have practiced very hard, but sometimes it is like white hard work. I have talked about this problem with several returnees before. It is daily for them to play more than a week abroad. They are either playing games or on the way to play games. They have little training time, or focus on a period of time. In extreme cases, they want to compete one day, from school to district to district and then to the whole country, and go up one by one. Only when there is a competition can we know where the problem is and the training will have key points, otherwise we will practice repetitive things every day. This summer, some of the long-lived young men in Shanghai went to Adidas training camp in Europe, and some went to this world youth competition. The performance was good or bad, and the gap was visible to the naked eye, but it was nothing terrible, the terrible thing is to give up because of the gap. Face the gap and continue to work hard.

0 1 min 3 yrs

Famous note: The Lakers intend to use the full middle class special case to sign Bruce Brown or Grand Lopes

Live broadcast bar, June 30 according to the famous story Dave McMenamin, with the Lakers deciding to lay off Bamba and not to execute Beasley’s team options next season, the Lakers currently have a total salary lower than the 0.172 billion-year tax line, they will be able to use full middle-class contracts worth nearly 12.5 million to pursue free players in the market. According to sources, the Lakers intend to use the full middle class exception to sign Bruce Brown or Grand Lopez. ****************************************************************************************************

0 1 min 3 yrs

12部门推进体育助力乡村振兴 到2035年培育100个“村BA”

尽管近年来乡村人口流向城市已经成为主流,但国家统计局发布调查数据显示,截至2022年,我国仍然有49104万的乡村常住人口,占据了我国超三分之一的人口,推进乡村振兴、建设体育强国和健康中国势必离不开发展乡村体育。 近日,国家体育总局、教育部、财政部、农业农村部12等部门印发了《关于推进体育助力乡村振兴工作的指导意见》(以下简称《意见》)。这是继2017年农业部、体育总局发布的《关于进一步加强农民体育工作的指导意见》,2018年体育总局、国家乡村振兴局联合发布的《关于体育扶贫工程的实施意见》,和2022年农业农村部、体育总局、国家乡村振兴局联合发布《关于推进“十四五”农民体育高质量发展的指导意见》之后,又一项专门支持农业农村农民体育发展的政策。 “体育助力乡村振兴”已有先例可循,从“村BA”火爆出圈,“村界杯”走红网络,再到“村超”带火黔东南旅游,越来越多乡土赛事成为乡村新的风景线,“体育+”成为乡村产业发展的新动力。在这样的情势下,《意见》的出台将为乡土赛事持续发展、进一步带动乡村产业指明方向。 《意见》明确了未来几年到长期体育助力乡村振兴的目标:到2025年,建立健全体育助力乡村振兴政策举措和工作机制,乡村全民健身公共服务体系更加完善,创建形成一批体育助力乡村振兴示范案例,体育助力乡村经济社会发展成效显现。 到2035年,与社会主义现代化国家相适应的全民健身公共服务体系在乡村全面建立,乡村体育健身和运动休闲成为普遍生活方式,运动促进健康作用凸显,乡村体育产业发展更有活力,乡村体育文化更加繁荣。 《意见》共分三部分。第一部分包括指导思想、基本原则和主要目标等内容;第二部分从乡村全民健身公共服务体系、体育产业、体育人才队伍、体育文化、绿色生态体育、全民健身组织六个方面提出具体举措;第三部分从组织领导、政策支撑和督促落实等方面提出了保障措施。 “大力发展乡村体育产业,助力乡村产业振兴”共有三条,一是深化体旅农商融合发展。引导支持各地依托可利用的水域、空域、森林、草原等自然资源,大力发展登山、骑行、水上运动、航空运动、露营、汽车越野等乡村特色户外运动产业。推动体育与农业、商业、旅游、健康、养老、教育培训等产业深度融合,带动村民就业创收,为乡村经济赋能。鼓励各地推出一批与农特产品产地、销售点和乡村旅游重点村镇等串联的汽车运动自驾、骑行线路。 二是打造乡村特色户外运动消费场景。鼓励有条件的乡村在开发山地、河流、古驿道、乡道时,统筹规划建设健身休闲绿道、登山步道、山地户外营地、汽车自驾营地、航空飞行营地、运动船艇码头、徒步骑行驿站、研学旅行基地、体育培训基地等,打造具有田园风光、乡土风情的体育特色村庄和配套户外运动设施,打造满足全家庭成员、全年龄段、多层次、多样化户外休闲需求的消费场景。 三是培育乡村体育产业多元化业态。引导乡村在做大做优户外运动产业、体育旅游等主导产业的同时,向体育传媒、体育用品制造等其他业态扩展。支持有条件的乡村因地制宜举办群众喜闻乐见、丰富多彩的体育赛事活动,特别是适合全家庭参与的乡村体育主题赛事。利用寒暑假、节假日组织开展以体育+研学为内容的青少年营地活动。支持乡村集体企业利用当地资源,拓展渠道,向体育用品企业供应木材、竹材、皮革、羽毛等原材料,鼓励有条件的乡村发展原材料加工产业。支持乡村开通体育短视频账号、体育旅游小程序等平台,推出一批乡村体育旅游精品线路和网红打卡地。支持各地利用中国体育文化博览会、体育旅游博览会等展会搭建资源对接平台,宣传、展示和推广各地乡村特色体育产业和体育助力乡村振兴经验成果。 乡村体育赛事方面,到2035年在全国培育100项以上“最美乡村体育赛事”。未来将组织开展亿万农民健身活动。支持开展“一村一品”“一村多品”等乡村自办群众性体育特色活动,培育一批特色鲜明的乡村体育健身休闲项目。开展健康跑、健步走、舞龙舞狮、健身秧歌(鼓)、健身气功、传统武术、太极拳、广场舞、球类、踢毽等农民群众喜闻乐见的运动项目。支持各地开展美丽乡村传统龙狮大赛、乡村广场舞大擂台、乡村篮球争霸赛、乡村乒乓球竞赛等乡村体育交流活动。 打造特色体育赛事活动。打造“三农”特色鲜明、传统文化底蕴深厚、社会影响力大、可持续性强的乡村体育综合赛事活动。在全国运动会、全国少数民族传统体育运动会等全国综合性运动会项目设置、活动策划、宣传报道等方面强化乡村振兴有关工作。在中国农民丰收节、全国乡村振兴职业技能大赛中增设体育健身内容。办好全国农民体育健身大赛、全国乡(村)长体育健身大赛等赛事活动。推动乡村体育赛事国际交流,鼓励有条件的地方以乡村为比赛地点,举办国际龙狮争霸赛、国际龙舟赛、国际风筝节、国际登山节等品牌体育赛事。 同时,《意见》给出了推进乡村体育发展资金来源的解决方案和政策:中央财政统筹利用现有资金渠道支持乡村体育工作开展。依法合规加大对体育助力乡村振兴工作的金融支持力度,将符合条件的体育助力乡村振兴项目纳入地方政府专项债券支持范围。县级以上地方政府要对乡村体育发展予以必要的经费保障,确保投入力度与乡村经济社会发展相适应。深入落实村庄体育建设项目简易审批制度,推进乡村公共健身设施管护体制改革。 数据显示,本次村BA赛事期间黔东南州旅游热度增长276%左右,3月25日贵州黔东南苗族侗族自治州台江县酒店预订量环比前一个周六(3.18)增长133%。而刚刚过去的端午假期期间,贵州“村超”爆火,比赛举办地榕江县在端午假期吸引大批游客,当地酒店订单同比增长超过11倍,部分酒店房间接下来的连续几个周末都已被订满。同时,“村超”也为周边旅游带来更多可能性,携程平台上,端午假期黔东南州度假产品订单同比增长超150%。 未来随着乡村体育推进,一场赛事带火地方经济将不再是个例,《意见》的出台,将推进乡村体育配套设施更加完善,为下一步“村”赛事带火地方经济、体育助力乡村产业振兴保驾护航。

0 1 min 3 yrs

Take the money! Storius didn’t answer the phone. Brother Yi joked: see, money changes people like this.

Live broadcast bar, July 1st, according to reports, Strous signed for joining Knights for $63 million in 4 years. Igodala teased sterus (after taking the big contract) in the social media not to answer the video phone: “See, money changes people like this!”

0 1 min 3 yrs

Jiang Yuxing talks about the difficult players in CBA: ma shang, Fuge, Guo Allen

Live Bar, June 8th recently, Jilin team player Jiang Yuxing accepted an interview from the media. When asked about the difficult players in CBA, Jiang Yuxing said: “ma shang and Ferg can only interfere with 3% or 40, and the rest depends on God.” When asked about the difficult domestic players, Jiang Yuxing said: “Guo Allen, he is very fast.” This season, Jiang Yuxing played 38 regular season games for Jilin team, with an average appearance of 41 minutes, contributing 17.8 points, 5.8 rebounds, 2.3 assists, 1.5 steals, field goal percentage, 57.6%, and 34.4% hit rate in three points, free throw hit rate was 65.2%; 2 playoff games, 42.5 minutes on average, 13.5 points, 5.5 rebounds, 3 assists, 1 snatch, field goal percentage, 41.7%, 3 point hit rate was 22.2%, free throw hit rate was 71.4%.

0 12 min 3 yrs

Chen Guohao: it is a kind of pressure that no one can bear this kind of pressure when the draft is in the front.

On the evening of June 18, Guangdong University of Technology defeated Tsinghua University 87-83 in the final of the 25th Chinese College Basketball League (CUBAL) Level 1 League, becoming the new science champion. Chen Guohao, the core of Guanggong, was elected FMVP (the most valuable player in the finals) with 30 points and 9 rebounds. He gained the two most golden honors in his basketball career so far, and the young man also had a red eye on the podium. After the award ceremony, under the guidance of the staff, Chen Guohao attended the press conference and accepted an exclusive interview. He went to the sponsor live studio to show his face and shoot the champion makeup photo…… Back to the hotel room for media interviews, it was already after 0:00 on the 19th. During the interview, Chen Guohao talked about his growth during his college years, as well as the upcoming CBA talent show and career prospects. “The feeling of joy comes up, tears can’t be controlled” On the evening of the 18th, more than an hour after the final, Chen Guohao also participated in all aspects after winning the championship in the Basketball Hall of Chengdu le power Xiangcheng sports center, during which there were people asking for signatures and taking photos, the interview had to wait until he returned to the hotel. After Chen Guohao returned to his room, he just sat down and received a call from another media, which was also an interview. This young man who has been 24 years old in 2 months is a little embarrassed to look at the reporters waiting nearby, sighed to the phone and said, “I have another interview here, please try to hurry up.” After hanging up the phone, Chen Guohao was hard to cover his exhaustion and felt a little uncomfortable. “I never thought that I could win the championship, so I never thought that there would be such a battle.” In this year’s CUBAL top four, the outside world was unanimously optimistic that Guanggong and Tsinghua met again in the final, and even the voice of Guanggong winning the championship was no less than that of Tsinghua. Chen Guohao said bluntly: “We are seriously preparing for the game. We didn’t think we could win the championship.” When the moment of reaching the top really came, men’s basketball Guanggong soldiers felt like dreams, and Chen Guohao even cried when holding the trophy. He said that this was a cry of joy, “The pressure saved for several years was released at once.” The young man has always been a man with tears and never cried, especially in the face of failure, but this time, he really felt the heavy weight of the champion trophy, “joy comes to his heart, (tears) I really can’t control it.” Sometimes it’s hard to communicate with him” Coach Yu Guanglong sighed with emotion that the biggest lucky thing for Guanggong this year was that Chen Guohao had always maintained a good state. He played for 33 minutes on average and scored 23.9 points, 10 rebounds and 2.1 assists. In addition, there were 1.2 steals and 1.3 Cap. The data was very comprehensive. As the absolute strength of the team, Chen Guohao could not hide the “key care” of the opponent in every match “. “The player who matches him is either around the front (defense) or side front. He is very hard to deal with and it is not easy to stick to it. If there is no self-discipline, Guohao can’t be so resistant.” Yu Guanglong said. Chen Guohao’s self-discipline is more like a part of life. Unless he wants to go out to play games, his daily activities range from dormitories, classrooms, stadiums and gyms. He can play games at most in his spare time. The daily life of the University star players with great attention is so simple and even boring, but this is exactly the basis for Chen Guohao’s continuous progress. Yu Guanglong pointed out the two biggest improvements of his disciples this year-foul control (5 criminals left the final last year) and defensive rebound protection. The way of shooting backboards needs to take off frequently, and many people will cramp because of this, while Chen Guohao can always maintain excellent running and jumping ability, which cannot be separated from strong physical quality support. In addition to the improvement in the above two aspects, Chen Guohao is also constantly polishing personal offensive techniques. Yu Guanglong, for example, loves to throw and throw both left and right hands, which is thought out and practiced by himself. “I am indeed a more serious person. I have not been willing to respond and score before, and I have been working hard in this area in the past two years.” Chen Guohao said. Guanggong lost 3 points in the final last year, but won a piece of praise, which is regarded as a new high in the basketball field of domestic college students who can shake Tsinghua’s ruling power. However, it is very clear inside the team that the overall level is not really a strong team. Coupled with the influence of major graduation and injuries, the team has many difficulties this year, which have experienced ups and downs since the Southeast Division, the National Top 32 games lost 31 points to Tsinghua, and it was gradually played from the national top 8 games. In Chen Guohao’s view, the team adjusted and communicated with each other all the way without hiding, so the cohesion and tacit understanding are getting better and better. It is the result that everyone does not abandon or give up when they read the score at night and win in the end. Chen Guohao officially received basketball training in the third grade, and it was not too early to start. From Guanglong’s point of view, he doesn’t learn things fast, sometimes it is quite axial, and he often needs to click to get started. “For example, if you practice changing direction, I told him not to practice behind, it is normal to rush from the front, simple and fast. He has a lot of ideas. He will summarize every time and try again.” Such hard work and efforts are becoming more and more rare among young players nowadays. Chen Guohao’s character is indeed a little stuffy. He often doesn’t express his thoughts and seldom writes his emotions on his face. Only the coaches and teammates who get along with each other day and night know that the “Guanggong monster” who looks calm like water will also have waves in his heart, and will be nervous and at a loss. Yu Guanglong smiled, “Sometimes it is hard to communicate with him.” Chen Guohao admitted: “I am compare people who are” social terrorism.” He often doesn’t know how to respond to the enthusiasm of the fans, “but I really appreciate their support, so I ‘d better repay them with good performance on the court.” “Make up for the lack of height with efforts” When he came to the press conference with the trophy and was asked how to celebrate, Chen Guohao’s first reaction was to have a good rest for two days. However, since returning to Guangdong to get off the plane, all kinds of activities have been filled, and more importantly, the upcoming CBA draft. He will participate in the talent training camp and communicate with the team through the brokerage team. As the “top stream” of CUBAL, Chen Guohao has received CBA attention since last year. This year is his graduation season. During the season, there were constant scouts to spectators. This top four competition attracted the attention of Sichuan men’s basketball coach Moko and Guangdong men’s basketball coach Du Feng. Chen Guohao’s ruling performance in the final will undoubtedly add points to his talent show prospects. The outside world is optimistic about his impact on the top three or even the top three talent shows. Before the finals, zouyang, originally Tsinghua, was regarded as the top show, and the two were often compared in CUBAL. Chen Guohao introduced that the two have been playing against each other since high school, and they have also been teammates. They are still good friends on the court. “only when there is competition can we have the motivation and direction to make progress together.” On the other hand, some people suggested that Chen Guohao played inside in Guanggong, but the 2.01-meter height suffered a lot in CBA. After all, this position often requires foreign aid. Chen Guohao never avoided personal physical condition, “Height has always been my bad label, and I try very hard to make up for this defect with other aspects.” Yu Guanglong is also optimistic about the future development of his disciples. “Guohao’s height is not particularly short, and with his bounce, he may take advantage of the rebound, he has excellent mobility and enthusiasm, which can help him stand on a higher platform.” In fact, Chen Guohao has had many intersections with CBA, including participating in the all-star star challenge three times in 2020, last year and this year. He will also pay attention to college students who enter CBA through the draft. Last year, he and nine other CUBAL players were jointly selected into the training list of China’s men’s basketball second team. Even so, Chen Guohao still felt that “there is no confidence to say what you can do if you go to CBA”, and you have already realized your dream if you can choose it. Chen Guohao said frankly: “It is a kind of pressure for the talent show to move forward. Not everyone can bear this kind of pressure.” Through the experience of all-star and national character, Chen Guohao felt that he needed to strengthen his physical confrontation and speed. “No matter what, he had to train hard after entering the team, which was the most important thing.” The introverted big boy didn’t have gorgeous words. He recognized that he did his best in action, which was the truest and simplest idea in his heart. (Text/Beijing News reporter Liu Chen)

0 1 min 3 yrs

The background board of yesterday’s dunk is American handsome guy basketball representing five-star high school student Asa

Yesterday’s U19 World Cup, China was men’s basketball inferior to the United States men’s basketball, and the young general was very fond of the fire-like dunk. Some fans found that the background board of the dunk was just the famous “Prince antelope” on the Chinese Internet and Asa Newell, a five-star high school student who worked for montward College. Asa Newell was born in 2005. He is 2 meters tall and serves as a striker. He has received offers from universities such as Alabama, Arkansas, Michigan and Illinois.
