Live broadcast, July 3 today, the gambling website has updated the odds of Lillard’s next home, as follows: Heat:-500 (charge 500 if hit, return 600 in total) Basketable nets: +300 (charge 100 if hit, return 400 in total) 76 people: +700 Knicks: +900 Clippers: +1200 Spurs: +1400 Lakers: +1600
夜上海论坛社区Live broadcast, July 4th News earlier, according to the report of ESPN celebrity Woj, Anthony Edward and Timberwolves reached an early renewal agreement (top salary) for the designated rookie terms, the total amount of this 5-year contract can reach up to 0.26 billion dollars. Later, Edwards said in a statement: “I feel humble, grateful and excited to stay in Minnesota as a member of this incredible Timberwolves team. It’s really amazing to see where hard work can take you.” Edwards is the top winner of the 2020 draft. His rookie contract has one year left, and the salary for the 2020-24 season is 13.53 million dollars. In the 2022-23 season, Edwards played 79 regular season games for Timberwolves, with an average of 24.6 points, 5.8 rebounds, 4.4 assists, 1.6 steals; 5 playoff games, on average, 31.6 points, 5 rebounds, 5.2 assists, 1.8 steals, 2 cap.
夜上海论坛社区Live Bar, June 9th the Blazers star lilad interacted with the fans when attending the event in Hong Kong, China. In the face of a fan’s defense, Lillard hit a super-far “whistle” three points, and the shooting position is very similar to the goal of killing Thunder.
夜上海社区论坛Live Bar, June 26 -paul recently appeared in Los Angeles to watch the game of MLB giants Los Angeles dodge. During the game, when the broadcast camera was given to Paul, the introduction of subtitle broadcasting is already “12th All-Star, warrior defender”. According to previous reports, Warriors sent out Poole, Ryan Rawlings, Baldwin, protected first round in 2030 and second round in 2027 to get Paul from the Wizard.
夜上海论坛社区Live Bar, June 26 -paul recently appeared in Los Angeles to watch the game of MLB giants Los Angeles dodge. During the game, when the broadcast camera was given to Paul, the introduction of subtitle broadcasting is already “12th All-Star, warrior defender”.
According to previous reports, Warriors sent out Poole, Ryan Rawlings, Baldwin, protected first round in 2030 and second round in 2027 to get Paul from the Wizard.
本期【耀至终章】专题将分别撰写5名退役球员故事 长图海报请横屏观看 高宇锋:纵有狂风起,乘风破万里撰稿:亼樂广工在联赛的旅途不算顺利,高宇锋也是如此,不论是年少时做出的看似冒险的决定——选择重新再来,还是在近几届比赛状态起伏,他的这几年充斥着外界的声音,但也就这样完成了他的大学篮球生涯。 23届联赛,广东工业大学历经32强赛的双败淘汰制,走到全国八强赛的面前,但突如其来的疫情导致没能如约参加主客场制的比赛,最后遗憾以“退赛”结束了那一年的征程; 时间忽闪,24届联赛的大幕在海南拉开。 “拼”如果看过高宇锋的比赛,你可能首先会感觉到他的篮不太稳。但是如果让我去提取我脑海里对他比赛的印象,总会有他倒地救球的画面。 24届南区赛,揭幕战上对阵华侨大学,在前半段险些崩盘的情况下,广工在第四节快速追分。一次上篮不中后,队友点出了篮板球,数次点抢后,球向着场边滑去,三分线外的高宇锋向自己的左前方一冲,滑冲过去将球拦在边线外。 同样的场景在24届的全国总决赛上也有上演。 第一节快结束时,和清华大学的两名球员在争夺球的时候,高宇锋重重地摔倒在地上,在倒地的时刻他将球传给了底角的刘康能。而当队友出手三分时,他已经在篮下做好了拼抢篮板球的准备。 所以用“拼命”二字去形容是真的毫不夸张。 “不想看着对手那样赢比赛”再遇清华,在重庆,重启23届八强赛的副本。 “还是想的太多了,这场比赛也是把我的缺点完全暴露出来。其实我们打清华应该是没有什么包袱的,想太多,后来也是输了比赛。”时隔半年后,和高宇锋再度说起去年那场焦灼的比赛时,他用很平静的语气说道。 比赛结束后,镜头给到了对手,而他不甘的面庞成为了失焦的背景。“挺不服气的其实,不是很喜欢这样去看着对手赢。”尽管面对清华没有什么包袱,但是那场比赛想得过度复杂以及自己十分不满的表现让24届联赛最后以遗憾结束。 “莫听穿林打叶声,何妨吟啸且徐行”“了解大家对你的那些别称吗?怎么看待这些称呼?” “就当开玩笑那样看吧,他们想这么叫就这么叫吧,我希不希望其实也不影响大家(这么叫)。” 这个回答其实不算令人惊讶,高宇锋的社交平台的简介里写着这样的一句话——“不接受指点”。我第一次看到那句话的时候,很惊叹于这种态度。“为什么会想到写这句话?”我问他。 “其实我打球也不为谁,为我自己打。如果打得不好的话,我自己也会不开心,也不需要别人来说我打得不好。”高宇锋解释到。 听到这些话的时候,我的记忆被拉回了今年的东南赛区。 今年的东南赛区开赛前,高宇锋的新别称一下子在互联网火了。第一场比赛后,不多的上场时间和不亮眼的表现,让调侃逐渐变多,甚至在对阵浙大的那场比赛进行罚球时,可以听见全场对他新别称的呼喊。 尽管受困于伤病,加之东南赛区开赛前,球队长时间处在打比赛的状态中,导致来到赛区后难以调整好自己的状态去应对分区赛,但是屏蔽外界的是声音,打自己的球是高宇锋在东南赛区坚定地做的一件事。 面对厦门大学的那场比赛是高宇锋处在犯规麻烦的一场比赛,过早的两次犯规让高宇锋不得不在替补席度过较长的时间。 第二节7分钟的时候,高宇锋被重新换上场,但是在下一个厦门大学的转换反击中,高宇锋迎来了自己的第三犯,在对手执行加罚的时候,高宇锋缓慢地走回了替补席,“又要下去了”他在心里想到。 在第二节和第三节上场时间加起来不到1分钟的情况下,第四节高宇锋带着3犯基本打满了整节。跳起来接卢健豪的接球,随后顶着防守,将球上进,只是这个上篮,高宇锋仿佛在空中停了几秒。而滞空的几秒,仿佛时间静止,也就像他在东南赛区那样,屏蔽了外界的一切。 “打球就自己好好打吧,太在意这些场外的声音会打得更加不好。”面对东南赛区状态起伏的自己而出现的质疑声,高宇锋说出了自己心里的想法,“我心态其实还挺好的,不太会受到这些(声音)的影响。” 4月21日,在紫金港体育馆,广工最后以3分的分差不敌华侨大学,错失了东南王。又是3分,去年的总决赛,今年的东南决赛,就像他自己说的那样,这几年好像有太多的遗憾。 一个月后,我问及他在东南赛区自己相对最满意的一场球的时候,他很直接地说:“我认为没有。” “一开始脖子拉伤,后来心态上紧不起来了,到后面强度上来了,紧不起来了。比赛前的准备也是做的不足,也就遗憾地输掉了比赛。”他补充到。就是差着一口气,广工带着一点遗憾在一个月后启程了全国赛。 “抢的是我的青春”全国32强赛后,广工也是没有意外的将比赛带回了外环西路100号,自己的主场。全国八强,这个在今年联赛刚开赛的时候,高宇锋在采访时说的目标也已经实现。 除去第二节只上场了半节,主场作战的高宇锋在其余三节全部打满。在主场大比分地赢下比赛,也基本锁定了全国四强的席位。 又是一年去到川渝,又是一年在跨过中南后遇上了清华大学。 第三节,高宇锋收到了这场比赛自己的第一个犯规;第四节 ,五犯毕业。那时候的广工处在落后,我在心里想着,这样的故事结尾是不是太过于悲情,与此同时,他向观众致意,并走向了替补席。这一次,和东南赛区的那一次不一样,尽管尚未知道这次比赛的结果,但这一回身,便再无机会站上cubal的舞台。 “一场比赛最喜欢什么哪一个时刻?” “应该是双方焦灼的时候,(自己的队伍)能够得分,形成优势。”他给出了这样的答案。 我想这一届总决赛后,或许他会有新的答案——在自己遗憾离场后,队伍能够吹起反击的号角并逆转比赛应该会在他的记忆里留下浓墨重彩的一笔。 不管是标志性的起跳单手摘板,还是在防守端的拼搏,这一年在成都,高宇锋不再是那个坐在椅子上,看着对手走向奖杯的人,也不再是镜头里的背景。 “灯光渐暗 但故事仍再继续”大家都知道在广工的球员身上总是一种很淡然很平静的表情,无论场上的局势如何,大家总是面无表情。在25届总决赛领奖前的等待时刻,我鲜有地看到和队友在交流时露出笑容的高宇锋。 有时候我总感慨于冥冥之中的一些巧合,那个在全国32强赛开赛前的下雨天,我问高宇锋如果要用几个关键词形容他的大学篮球生涯的时候,他犹豫了一下,告诉我:“好事多磨。” 这时候你再去回看他的这几年,在捧杯广工的第一座总冠军奖杯时,真的是好事多磨。 采访快结束的时候,我问他在联赛里想过放弃吗。 “其实想过的。”他说到,“是我大一的时候。那时候的广工青黄不接,我也啥也不是吧,训练强度我也有点跟不上。跟上以后,我又有点打不上球,就有想过放弃。” 不过到了今日再去看,所幸他没有真的选择放弃,不然我们也没法看到在漫天金色纸片雨里的他。 “未来,希望自己继续做一个天真的、热爱篮球的人。”高宇锋最后说到。
第三节,高宇锋收到了这场比赛自己的第一个犯规;第四节 ,五犯毕业。那时候的广工处在落后,我在心里想着,这样的故事结尾是不是太过于悲情,与此同时,他向观众致意,并走向了替补席。这一次,和东南赛区的那一次不一样,尽管尚未知道这次比赛的结果,但这一回身,便再无机会站上cubal的舞台。
“灯光渐暗 但故事仍再继续”大家都知道在广工的球员身上总是一种很淡然很平静的表情,无论场上的局势如何,大家总是面无表情。在25届总决赛领奖前的等待时刻,我鲜有地看到和队友在交流时露出笑容的高宇锋。
Live Bar, June 24 Today, Richard Jefferson, a former NBA player and current commentator, talked about Paul on NBA Today. Jefferson said: “I used to play in Warriors. At that time, Jarret Jack would play the first point guard. Curry and clay could play without a ball, so Curry and clay have worked with pure control guards before. What Jack can do, I believe Paul will do better. I think the introduction of Paul will help them.”
夜上海论坛社区Live Bar, June 24 Today, Richard Jefferson, a former NBA player and current commentator, talked about Paul on NBA Today.
Jefferson said: “I used to play in Warriors. At that time, Jarret Jack would play the first point guard. Curry and clay could play without a ball, so Curry and clay have worked with pure control guards before. What Jack can do, I believe Paul will do better. I think the introduction of Paul will help them.”
Live broadcast on June 29th, France announced the list of 12 People’s Congress of this year’s World Cup on men’s basketball, led by Gobel, Batum, and funiye. De Colo, nirikina, and yabsele were in the list, and Wen banyama was absent. The list of 12 people is as follows: Batum, De Colo, Mustapha-Farr, funie, Silwan-Francisco, Gobel, Matthias-lesor, nirikina, okobo, yksuit Ba-Ouatara, Terry-taupe, yabselle. A few days ago, French men’s basketball coach Poderi Colla revealed that enbide would not play for them in this summer’s World Cup. In the men’s basketball World Cup this year, France, Canada, Latvia and Lebanon were divided into one group. Special topics for reporting the men’s basketball World Cup in 2023
夜上海论坛社区Live broadcast on June 29th, France announced the list of 12 People’s Congress of this year’s World Cup on men’s basketball, led by Gobel, Batum, and funiye. De Colo, nirikina, and yabsele were in the list, and Wen banyama was absent.
The list of 12 people is as follows:
Batum, De Colo, Mustapha-Farr, funie, Silwan-Francisco, Gobel, Matthias-lesor, nirikina, okobo, yksuit Ba-Ouatara, Terry-taupe, yabselle.
A few days ago, French men’s basketball coach Poderi Colla revealed that enbide would not play for them in this summer’s World Cup.
In the men’s basketball World Cup this year, France, Canada, Latvia and Lebanon were divided into one group.
Special topics for reporting the men’s basketball World Cup in 2023
Live broadcast, July 4th news recently, warrior Dreamcatcher participated in George’s podcasting program Podcast P with Paul George. He talked about the view that basketball is a job. I hate this saying. I love playing basketball and competition. Playing basketball is indeed a job, but I won’t replace it with other jobs. I will not take this job for granted.” According to previous reports, dream-chasing Warriors renewed their contracts at $0.1 billion for 4 years.
夜上海论坛社区Live broadcast, July 4th news recently, warrior Dreamcatcher participated in George’s podcasting program Podcast P with Paul George. He talked about the view that basketball is a job.
I hate this saying. I love playing basketball and competition. Playing basketball is indeed a job, but I won’t replace it with other jobs. I will not take this job for granted.”
According to previous reports, dream-chasing Warriors renewed their contracts at $0.1 billion for 4 years.
Live broadcast on July 3 News rocket officially announced that the team had signed a two-way contract with striker Daryus days and defender Hawkins. Last season, days played four games for the Rockets, with 3.8 points and 1.5 rebounds in each game; Hawkins scored 19 points in the Development League. ********************* 2023 NBA off-season signing & trading official announcement
夜上海论坛社区Live broadcast on July 3 News rocket officially announced that the team had signed a two-way contract with striker Daryus days and defender Hawkins.
Last season, days played four games for the Rockets, with 3.8 points and 1.5 rebounds in each game; Hawkins scored 19 points in the Development League.
2023 NBA off-season signing & trading official announcement
Live broadcast bar, June 10 -nba finals G4, Nuggets led by 108-95 Nike heat in the next City away, with a big score of 3-1. In this campaign, the Nuggets forward Michael Junior-PROTONIC was replaced for a time when 0 of the poor performance in the first 4, but he felt warmer in the second and third sections. However, the fourth quarter PROTONIC did not get the chance to play. He played 22 and a half points in the game, 4 out of 10 shots (0 out of 3 points),4 out of 3, got 11 points and 3 rebounds, plus or minus +13.
夜上海社区论坛Live broadcast bar, June 10 -nba finals G4, Nuggets led by 108-95 Nike heat in the next City away, with a big score of 3-1.
In this campaign, the Nuggets forward Michael Junior-PROTONIC was replaced for a time when 0 of the poor performance in the first 4, but he felt warmer in the second and third sections. However, the fourth quarter PROTONIC did not get the chance to play.
He played 22 and a half points in the game, 4 out of 10 shots (0 out of 3 points),4 out of 3, got 11 points and 3 rebounds, plus or minus +13.
Live broadcast on July 2nd news U19 men’s basketball World Cup 9-10 qualifying, China 76-85 defeat Slovenia. After the game, basketball commentator Wang Zhaofeng published an article about the game, the content is as follows: The U19 World Youth Championship has come to an end, which proves that we can choose more players now. It proves that any channel can create excellent players and our players, coaches, referees, in the league, the environment is still far from the world. But it also proves that if we focus all our concentration on “only about basketball”, we will definitely break through history! Young people, come on!
夜上海论坛社区Live broadcast on July 2nd news U19 men’s basketball World Cup 9-10 qualifying, China 76-85 defeat Slovenia.
After the game, basketball commentator Wang Zhaofeng published an article about the game, the content is as follows:
The U19 World Youth Championship has come to an end, which proves that we can choose more players now. It proves that any channel can create excellent players and our players, coaches, referees, in the league, the environment is still far from the world. But it also proves that if we focus all our concentration on “only about basketball”, we will definitely break through history! Young people, come on!
Live Bar, June 24 news at yesterday’s draft conference, Warriors chose shooter guard Blanding-pojemsky in 19 sequence. In an interview with Bay Radio Today, pojamsky said that he could integrate into the warrior system: “I am a very selfless player. My scoring ability at Santa Clara University is my highlight, but that’s because I was asked to do that. If you let me choose, I am willing to get 0 points, 10 boards and 10 assists.”
夜上海论坛社区Live Bar, June 24 news at yesterday’s draft conference, Warriors chose shooter guard Blanding-pojemsky in 19 sequence.
In an interview with Bay Radio Today, pojamsky said that he could integrate into the warrior system: “I am a very selfless player. My scoring ability at Santa Clara University is my highlight, but that’s because I was asked to do that. If you let me choose, I am willing to get 0 points, 10 boards and 10 assists.”