0 1 min 1 yr

Eddie House: Wen Banya Ma can play 20+10 now. He just needs to keep healthy.

Live Bar, June 27 news recently, former NBA player Eddie House talked about Wen banyama in a program. House said: “You let him enter the league now. I think he can play 20+10,20 points and 10 rebounds on average, and maybe 1.5 cap. The sky is his limit. This guy has a skill bag, he can do anything, he can play back, he has a guard’s control ball, and he has a three-point ball with one leg. I think the sky is his limit, he just needs to keep healthy.”

0 2 min 1 yr

Pojemsky: I like to watch Manu & 077. I hope Xia Lian can cut down two or three pairs.

Live Bar, June 30 today, the warrior rookie pojemsky participated in the summer training for the summer league, and then he was interviewed. When talking about personal growth, pojamsky said: “I think it is important to watch a lot of European basketball. My favorite player is Ginobili. I also watched many European players’ matches and observed their mode of play. They always seem to play in the right way. I will imitate the game style of these people in the game. When I started to watch the game with YouTube, Manu was at the end of his career, and Dong Qiqi just played overseas. These two players impressed me deeply.” When talking about the expectation of Xia Lian, pojemsky said: “I hope to remain invincible. Personally, I hope to win at least two or three pairs, there is a good ratio of assists and mistakes. In addition, the hit rate of three points is more than 40%.”


Are there fans booing on the scene? Brandon Miller: will let them know that hornets will win many goals

0 1 min 2 yrs

Live Bar, June 26th news recently, the top show Brandon Miller was interviewed by the media. The reporter talked about when the Hornets chose Miller with an eye sign, there was boos from fans on the scene. Brandon Miller replied like this: “For those boos, I am here to let you know that we will win many goals this season and try our best to win the final championship trophy!” RELATED LINKS >>>Not satisfied? After Brandon Miller was selected, the WASP mascot was depressed and bowed his head…… Amazing words! Brandon Miller: Hornets will reach the finals next year, hoping that we will eventually win the championship. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NBA draft conference 2023

0 1 min 2 yrs

Boat Note: it is unwise to trade Powell. When a player is out, only he can attack the basket.

Live Bar, June 29. Previously, according to Yahoo reporter Jake Fischer, sources said that Clippers would continue to look for trading plans to package Marcus Morris and Norman Powell in the alliance. In this regard, the Clippers wrote more about Farbod Esnaashari: “I know Powell’s name is emerging, but I really think it is an unwise move for the Clippers. His attack on the team is too important, especially when there are players missing, he is the only player they can attack the basket.” ****************************************************************************************************

0 1 min 2 yrs

76-person Reporter: Eastern teams such as knights and walkers are very interested in Niang

Live broadcast, July 1, according to a report by 76-member team Reporter, Neubeck, according to sources, George Niang is considered to be the role player with the greatest market potential among 76 people, eastern teams such as knights and walkers are very interested in him. According to sources, Niang is likely to get a good offer contract after the opening of the free trading market. In the 22-23 season, NION played 78 games for 76 people, averaging 8.2 points, 2.4 rebounds and 1 assist, with a three-point hit rate. ****************************************************************************************************

0 1 min 2 yrs


1 选秀大会上,国王用24号签将霍尔姆斯送到了独行侠。在此之前,独行侠刚刚将10号签降了两个顺位,把贝尔坦斯送到了雷霆,之后依然拿到了他们计划选择的球员,中锋莱夫利,然后再用国王的24号签选了普罗斯珀,弥补芬尼·史密斯离队的遗憾。这一波操作后,独行侠还能使用全额中产特例。都送走了各自不用的合同,独行侠白嫖了1个首轮新秀+1个可尝试的中锋,而国王失去了1个首轮,对于一支暂时不需要担忧奢侈税的球队来说,他们付出这样的代价显然有所图。 国王现在可以清理出更大的空间了,如果放弃巴恩斯和一票零散拼图的鸟权,国王可以问价市场上3000万级别的自由球员了。国王开不出顶薪,但这不重要,国王本来也不会追求欧文,更没必要竞价哈登或者范弗利特。他们的目标是前锋线,考虑到今年自由市场上前锋的价位,国王几乎可以签得起任何一人,而相比市场上其他有帽下空间的球队——除非湖人也清理空间走这条路——国王是唯一的季后赛球队,对那些尚有雄心而不只是为了一份大合同的球星来说,进化的国王不是个糟糕的去处。 国王搭24号签送走霍尔姆斯极为果断,这似乎暗示国王有了较为明确的目标。再考虑到锋线另一个首发的技术特点——基根·默里,缺少对位价值的高个射手——国王可能需要一个有对位体型的大前锋,而这个人的水平又显然不该低于巴恩斯。 以下三个目标是嫌疑人: 追梦·格林,杰拉米·格兰特,库兹马 真空条件下,这是3个不错的球员。但你可以很轻易地找出三人不合适国王的地方。 追梦要如何跟小萨共处? 小萨在国王提升的级别,很大程度来自他频繁做轴的进攻参与度,而追梦必须在这个角色里才有存在感。两人都无法在无球端为对方拉开空间,遇到护筐大神时,你可以提前想象他们在油漆区相互甩锅的画面。巴恩斯的进攻在季后赛虽不可靠,他也是个能蹲三分线的空间点,国王能在1~4号位尽量保持空间延续性,对他们拿到常规赛第一的进攻效率有相当的意义。兼容性上,4号位摆一个追梦无疑开了倒车,这不会让他们变得更好。 另外,相比勇士,国王更难确定他们跟追梦的兼容性,而国王要拿到追梦几乎一定要开出一份4年全保障合同(3年合同竞争不过勇士),这样的合同一旦签下就难以转手。这个险,国王不值得冒。 格兰特和库兹马的疑问则是,他们真的比巴恩斯强到,需要提前花1个首轮去清理空间? 巴恩斯的所有主队到最后几乎都会嫌弃他。他缺少协防存在感,重要比赛无法命中三分。格兰特和库兹马名气更大,能扛更大的产量,但之于后场与中锋配合为主要起手式的国王,这会有多大意义?至少在惩罚错位的侵略性上,巴恩斯不比库兹马和格兰特差。格兰特同样没能在季后赛证明过无球牵制力,而库兹马的三分给人印象深刻更多是因为敢投,他有抽风的比赛,准星却不是长项。 巴恩斯还是个有吨位的对位者,而库兹马的防守弹性不如巴恩斯。早年的格兰特或许是更好的协防者,本赛季,巴恩斯、格兰特、库兹马,他们场均护筐次数分别是2.8,2.8,3.1,可谓一时瑜亮。 所以,不是他们仨? 那也未必。 国王各有一个理由,让他们签追梦或者格兰特/库兹马变得有理有据: 签追梦的合理性——假如,国王想放弃季后赛拉胯的小萨。他们有一个方案是同时拿下追梦·格林和大洛佩斯。如果不想在这个过程中把小萨给勇士或者雄鹿,单独做一笔送走小萨清理空间的三方交易一点不难,这个过程还能捞一笔选秀权。这个方案会让国王瞬间成为顶级防守强队,且保证了内线的空间守恒,在未来1~2年都有机会跟西部顶层球队竞争。但国王也会因此迅速老化。这招太过剑走偏锋,可谓“魔化”路线。 签格兰特/库兹马的合理性——更年轻,主观感受更良好。巴恩斯31岁,格兰特29岁,库兹马27岁,你肯定希望让更年轻的球员拿一份4年合同。而光是普遍观念上的“格兰特/库兹马强于巴恩斯”,就已经够管理层做一次并不那么超值的改变了。 2 自由球员市场上,还有一些国王或许会考虑的对象: 米德尔顿。这个可能性不高,但如果国王想实质性提升锋线的持球进攻水平,此人是今夏自由市场前锋线的唯一选择; 卡梅伦·约翰逊。他的水平值得国王为他折腾一番,但国王在拉满锋线空间的同时也会失去锋线对位弹性,而老黄忠受限制自由球员的身份会让国王不易得逞,除非他们现在已经跟蔡老板打好招呼,补偿给篮网选秀权。 再往下的薪资级别,虽然他们会被列入国王的考虑名单,但你很难理解国王为他们大动干戈的意义何在,这包括: 格兰特·威廉姆斯。重型3D前锋,季后赛证明过三分可靠性和特殊的对位价值,如果你需要一个有人顶防字母哥,同时不伤害4/5号位的空间环境,你可以签下格威。但他的预期价位不应该高出全额中产太多; PJ-华盛顿。可摇摆为小球内线的样样通/松型大前锋,他是受限制自由球员,需要黄蜂点头,也许会涉及到签换补偿; 布鲁斯·布朗。大家熟悉的小体型侧翼多面手,他的问题是体型太小了,甚至不能称作前锋; 约什·哈特。能量型侧翼,大锋线级别的对位价值,防守、篮板出色,有出球嗅觉,非常优秀的拼图。不便宜。种种迹象暗示他不会离开尼克斯。 这些人都不错,但他们似乎都不值得提前用1个首轮清理空间来追求。 我们还可以放开眼界,把注意力放在非自由球员身上。 只要国王稍微再填进去1~2个合同,配合他们的选秀权(27首轮、29首轮、9个次轮),除了冲不动乔治,西卡、兰德尔存疑(价值上下限飘忽),国王有能力生吃或接近生吃几乎所有可能离队的前锋,这包括OG阿奴诺比、约翰·科林斯、托拜厄斯·哈里斯、博扬、芬尼·史密斯+罗伊斯·奥尼尔套餐。问题在于,假如国王的目标是有合同在身的球员,为何交易现在还没有发生? 至于合同额度更下一级别的凯尔·安德森,或者彩票合同性质的加里纳利、波特等人,跟清理空间更是搭不上关系。 我认为国王100%在猛追阿奴诺比,这位能防5个位置的大体型3D前锋几乎完美适合国王,但这种交易不需要等待7月1日自由球员市场开门,而相比交易特例,猛龙会更愿意多拿一个首轮,国王也就没必要搭选秀权先送走霍尔姆斯。 不过,如果国王计划用巴恩斯做一笔签换交易,那么他们确实要等到7月1日以后才能出手。 国王另一种保底的运作手段是维持帽上球队身份,跟巴恩斯、莱尔斯们续约,然后,他们还有全额中产(1240万),以及霍尔姆斯交易中拿到的交易特例(1200万)用于补强。这会让他们竞价格威、布鲁斯·布朗时不占据优势。 另外,最近有这样两条新闻: 一是国王已经给韦津科夫开出了合同,年薪预计比840万少一点。国王去年从骑士手里买到了韦津科夫的签约权。此为一个花钱点; 二是国王可能会跟小萨重签一份合同,而只有工资帽下的球队才被允许玩重签。这么做的原因是,小萨下赛季的工资只有2200万,即使按新版劳资协议,提前续约起薪允许为原合同最后一年的140%,小萨新合同也只有3080万,也就是说,国王本来无法在今年夏天跟小萨完成提前续约,导致明年夏天有失去他的风险。重签合同可以让小萨下个赛季薪资大涨,进而完成提前续约。也就是说,国王折腾一番,也许是为了提前留住小萨。 总而言之,国王确实是最有能力为市场上的前锋开出高价的季后赛球队,很多前场球员都会在国王的狙击菜单里,但追梦不该是他们的头号目标,他们跟追梦的传闻更像是追梦用来抬价的手段。 3 在我们把国王的情况了解过后,市场上的优质前锋基本都露了个脸。 那么,有没有一支球队可以帮我们捋清市场上的中锋形势呢? 巧了,我们还是可以从国王说起。 除非跟小萨分手,国王并不需要一个首发级别的中锋。但国王的确需要一个替补中锋,伦恩、梅图能用,不像是最佳答案。如果国王最后走帽上球队路线,他们的全额中产(1240万)和交易特例(1200万)就可以一个补强锋线,一个补强替补中锋。在这个价位及以下的市场上有: 普拉姆利。如果快船不打算重建,或者把合同年的乔治变成一个全明星中锋——你会喜欢威少+卡子+唐斯,华子+乔治+狗贝吗——他们会努力留下牡蛎这样有机动性、有处理球、有终结的中锋。相比祖巴茨,牡蛎看起来更适合在面对持球投大神队的季后赛登场,他的风格适合国王。对市场上的其他球队来说,普拉姆利是个替补有余,首发不足的球员,他的价位应该在迷你中产与全额中产之间; 纳兹·里德。他跟森林狼已经把下一份合同定了,3年4200万。市场再考虑他没意义。但他的合同有参考意义——起薪1300万,略微高于全额中产。有里德这份合同作为指导价,市场上等着要价的中锋们请自重; 伍德。他可能自视甚高,但伍德难以定位的防守决定了,他更适合打替补中锋,那么他就不应该拿中产以上的合同。布朗不会喜欢他自私的球风和防守。 再往下则是一些可能流入市场的,价位更低的中锋,拿谁看缘分。鲍威尔、乐福、尤班克斯、兰代尔能低价拿则无脑捡。哈雷尔、托马斯·布莱恩特底薪可刮。没有合适人选,国王留下自己的伦恩、梅图也可行。 交易市场上在1200万价位以下的中锋也有几位: 加福德。1240万,刚好是国王交易特例够不到的价位。提他一嘴是想说,即使只考虑技术特点,他也不该在国王的菜单内,作为一个防守有局限性的优质终结者,加福德拿不出跟霍尔姆斯足够差异化的功能性,如果国王补强朝这个方向,就跟他们送走霍尔姆斯自相矛盾; 奥利尼克。1219.5万,交易特例差几块钱够不到。他的进攻风格跟国王体系完美适配,但也提供不了小萨提供不了的护筐。他更适合寻找与黑粗硬内线有差异风格的球队,而国王更需要的是提升5号位的硬度; 波蒂斯。1171万。雄鹿如果找到更便宜的替补中锋方案——虽然我很难想象这个方案是什么——在续约米德尔顿和大洛后,波蒂斯或许是可追求的。如果这样,波蒂斯是国王用交易特例接手的合适人选,他可4可5,同时解决两个问题; 克拉克斯顿。875万。如果篮网寻找到更合适的首发中锋方案,四哥也不是不能进入市场,他正处于价值高点。作为替补中锋、小球内线,这个价的四哥很不错,只是拿到他在续约上会有一些风险; 祖巴茨。1093万。如果快船重建,可无脑拿祖巴茨; 哈尔滕斯泰因。820万。能策应,有终结,有篮板,可谓小萨替补席上的下位替代,防守还要好于小萨,完美适合国王。可惜尼克斯基本不会动他。 更低价位的穆斯卡拉、庄神进入市场,均可以小成本引入。 国王可选的方案非常多,成为帽下球队引入锋线大牌,给小萨重签合同确保他留队,继续以帽上球队的身份留下目前阵容或签换,靠全额中产和交易特例补强拼图,不管怎么走都讲得出道理。 好了,至此,除了几个巨星前锋和市场最好的几个中锋,我们把自由市场、交易市场上潜在的优质前锋、中锋基本列了个遍——我们只是在针对国王做补强方案吗? 不,我们只是选取了国王这个既可帽下、也可帽上,有一定筹码的季后赛球队的视角,他们可选的方案极多,让我们借机能看更多的可能性。之后几天,我们还会从有帽下空间的其他球队(火箭、马刺等)、季后赛球队等另外几个视角去看市场运作,在7月1日前最后过一遍市场上潜在的前场补强。

0 1 min 2 yrs

Official: Wasp provides qualification quotation for Miles Bridges, Mahler east and PJ-Washington

Live Bar, June 29 -hornets officially announced today that the team officially provided qualified quotations for Miles Bridges, Teo-Mahler east and PJ-Washington, and the three would become restricted free agents. Miles Bridges was banned for 30 games due to domestic violence in the 22-23 season. In the 21-22 season, he could get 20.2 points, 7.0 rebounds and 3.8 assists. Mahler East played 44 games in the regular season 22-23 season, with an average of 6.7 points, 2.8 rebounds and 3.5 assists. PJ-Washington 22-23 season regular season played 73 games, with an average of 15.7 points, 4.9 rebounds and 2.4 assists. ********************* 2023 NBA off-season signing & trading official announcement

0 1 min 2 yrs

The players’ union and NBA reach a new labor agreement for 7 years & can jump out in advance in 28 years

Live Bar, June 29 -official news: NBA players’ union and NBA have announced that the two sides have reached and signed a new labor agreement. This seven-year labor agreement will take effect on July 1, 2023and will continue until June 30, 2030. in addition, both parties can choose to jump out of the agreement in advance on October 15, 2028. This NBA new labor agreement has 676 pages! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NBA labor negotiation-who wins and who loses?

0 1 min 2 yrs

Shams: brother Xin received knee cleaning surgery two weeks ago. The World Cup was in doubt.

Live broadcast on July 5th news according to the famous Shams report, brother Xin received knee cleaning surgery two weeks ago and is not sure whether he can play in the World Cup at present. The 2023 men’s basketball World Cup will be kicked off on August this year. In this World Cup, Greece, the United States, Jordan and New Zealand were divided into Group C together. Related news: Greek media: Brother alphabet may miss the men’s basketball World Cup due to thigh injury Special topics for reporting the men’s basketball World Cup in 2023

0 1 min 2 yrs

Curry training intensity makes others can’t stand it? Chasing dreams: when he practices with others, he will reduce his intensity.

Recently, the dream chasing guest George’s podcasting program. During this period, George asked about rumors that Curry’s training intensity would make other NBA players give up or vomit 10 minutes later. In this regard, dream chasing said: “When others train with him, I see that he will reduce his training intensity. He will often do this, will reduce the intensity, when someone is willing to train with him.”

0 1 min 2 yrs

Yokedge grabbed at least 250 boards in a single playoff game and sent out 150 to help NBA History leaders!

Live Bar, June 10-today’s NBA finals G4, the game went to the third section. Yorkich has scored 23 points, 10 rebounds and 3 assists in 16 shots. As a result, jokiki has scored 572 points, 251 rebounds and 185 assists in the playoffs this year. He has become the first player in NBA history to win at least 250 games and 150 assists in the playoffs.

0 2 min 2 yrs

Ma Jian: The Nuggets want to slow down the pace of the ball as much as possible to attack the basket. I believe they can win G3

Live Bar, June 7-tomorrow morning at 8:30, NBA finals G3, Nuggets will play the heat away. Ma Jian, a basketball commentator, published an article about this game. The content is as follows: The last attack of G2 nuggets was separated by the heat. The change of defense strategy gave a very satisfactory answer to the defense heat of key people except yokiki.. In the game of Ming er G3, Nuggets need to give changes to the game skills and tactics. First of all, we will continue to focus on the most basic core attack point of yokiki and will not change. But the Nuggets need more attacks on the basket, more high-quality two-person cooperation and three-person attack. It is necessary to slow down the pace on the basis of rapid counterattack, give more cover and confrontation, and be able to impact rim under the condition of body height advantage. As long as the rhythm is slowed down, the ball will attack the basket as much as possible. When the attack zone is pressed near basketball hoop, it will also give the Nuggets better and more opportunities to score outside. I believe the Nuggets should win this key World War I.
