0 2 min 2 yrs

Live Bar, June 28 today, the Lakers held a press conference for the two rookie seats Fino and Maxwell Lewis, during which Pelinka was interviewed.

Pelinka said: “At the end of the season, we saw what we could do on the defensive side. I think defense and rebounding are the keys to winning the championship, this is the core of Hamm system and the foundation of our team. We want to study this issue in depth. If we have a way to improve the lineup, we will definitely do it.”

“We will do our best to match the players in the team with the players that the coach wants and play a role in his system. We need some strong-willed and able to defend, players who can influence the game in the right way, be responsible for themselves and adapt to the team structure.”

“We have been saying that we have only one goal, that is to win the 18th championship flag, so in the next few days, we will try our best to make the best use of this opportunity.” Pelinka said.

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